- See more at: Hack FACEBOOK with phishing Method | Devil hacking point


Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Hack FACEBOOK with phishing Method

Only for educational purpose.

Step 1)-
Download phishing page from Here.

Step 2)-
You have to register an account on

Step 3)-
Now confirm the registration from your yahoo,gmail
or hotmail account.

Step 4)-
In 000webhost after confirmation you have to go
to cpanel and then click on the file manager
which may be on the lower side of the page.

Step 5)-
In the file manager click on the public HTML.

Step 6)-
Upload the phishing page which you have downloaded

Step 7)-
In the last step right click on your domain and
copy the link location and send to the victim via
message or email when will the victim click on your
link there appear facebook login page and he\she enter
his\her email and password.there appear a temporary
error and he\she is hacked.you can get his\her
password in file manager by clicking on public
HTML there appear "lol" after clicking on view
striaght to the "lol" .

 Thanks for Watching my blog if you have any problem
then comment below.


Unknown May 12, 2016 at 7:58 PM

error opening webhost file manager

Unknown January 8, 2019 at 11:11 AM

what is the password for Fake Login Pages.rar

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